
What to Do if You’re Quiet Quitting

By Mary Truslow on

There is no shortage of discussion when it comes to quiet quitting. Some define quiet quitting as creating a healthy balance between professional and personal responsibilities—acknowledging where your job begins and ends to avoid burnout.

Others think of quiet quitting as reducing effort to include only tasks explicitly stated in your job description. This is often in response to burnout, feeling taking advantage of, and/or poor management.

If you’re quiet quitting, it can be difficult to know how to feel about it. Are you an enlightened, empowered employee who is mastering life balance? Or are you confused and miserable in your role?

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

-Am I comfortable quiet quitting? Is this a state I want to be in? Do I feel like I chose this, or I’ve given up?

-Should I talk to my manager? Do I have regular check-ins with them? Is my manager part of the problem?

-Am I feeling unproductive or unmotivated? If so, are there new things I could take on? New goals to set?

-Am I challenging myself to always be learning?

-Is my company the right cultural fit for me?

If you’re quiet quitting, answering these questions should help determine if you’ve simply established a good balance or if it’s time to look for a new role.

If you feel at odds with your manager and the ethos of your organization, or you’ve tried to communicate and feel like it’s getting you nowhere, it may be time to look for a new opportunity. 

However, if you have a good relationship with management, feel fulfilled in your responsibilities, and are aligned with your company’s values, you likely define quiet quitting as balance.

In either instance, be sure your definition of quiet quitting doesn’t include an aversion to learning and growing. Avoiding burnout and refusing to be overworked is one thing. An overall lack of interest and effort in your role isn’t a desired state by any definition.